
    Vidyalaya Patrika

    The planning for the school magazine for the session 2024-25 aims to foster creativity and record the achievements of students and teachers. Each class will create its own magazine, themed around specific topics that represent their academic and extracurricular journey for the year
    Planning Process
    Initial Meeting and Objective Setting
    The planning process for the magazine began with an initial meeting involving the Principal, teachers, and student representatives. The objective was to outline the importance of the magazine, assign responsibilities, and set clear goals:
    To document and celebrate student achievements
    To provide a creative outlet for students
    To highlight class-specific activities, events, and teachers’ contributions
    Theme Assignment for Each Class
    A unique theme has been assigned to each class, ensuring that all students can connect their learnings and experiences to the magazine’s content. The themes are designed to reflect both academic and extracurricular perspectives of the students, such as environment for class VI, Space exploration for class VII, Disaster Management for class VIII, History of India, IX, culture of india for class X,climate change and AI for XI and XII respectively
    Content Collection
    To ensure a diverse ranExpected Outcomes
    Showcase of Talent: The magazine will be a platform for students to express their creativity and achievements.
    Teamwork and Collaboration: The planning and execution process will teach students valuable lessons in teamwork and project management
    Preservation of Memories: Each class magazine will serve as a record of the year’s journey, preserving memories of activities, events, and milestones
    Prepared by
    CCA Committee
    Kendriya Vidyalaya NSG, Manesar
    (Session 2024-25)